Kyan 2017-09-07T15:56:47+08:00

Project Description

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Kyan started playing violin at the age of 7. Since a very young age, he has won several prizes
in Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, and has awarded the Associate of Trinity College
London (ATCL). During his pursuit of Bachelor of Arts (Hon) in Music in the Hong Kong
Baptist University, he has been the Assistant Concertmaster of Baptist University Symphony
Orchestra and led the orchestra toured to mainland China.

Kyan is now performing frequently as an ensemble musician and has toured along with
numerous orchestras to perform overseas; places include Beijing, Shanghai, Kagoshima,
Berlin, Vienna and Prague. Apart from being a performing artist, Wong also express his
music through conducting. He is now the conductor of the Tsuen Wan Government
Secondary School String Ensemble.


奏經驗相當豐富。 除演奏小提琴,黃氏亦熱衷於音樂教學,現為荃灣官立中學弦樂團