Stephen 2017-09-07T15:57:40+08:00

Project Description


Stephen received cello training since the age of six. His major teachers include Mr. Kevin
Lee and Ms. Yichun Chen. Stephen obtained the Bachelor degree in Art (Music) from
Hong Kong Baptist University. He actively participates in various orchestras as regular
member and guest player along his music path, included The Pan Asia Symphony
Orchestra, Hong Kong Professional Winds, Hong Kong String Orchestra etc. He was the
principal cellist of the Hong Kong Baptist Symphony Orchestra (BUSO) and Collegium
Musicum Hong Kong (CMHK). He was on the performing tours with BUSO and CMHK
in China, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, United States, including the Carnegie Hall
at New York City.

Stephen also cooperated with reowned soloists and conductors as an orchestra player,
included Lorin Maazel, Mengla Huang, Ryo Guto, Valentina Lisitsa, Simone Lamsma,

Bart Van Oort, Nicole Cabell, Zhang Hongyan etc. As a soloist, Stephen has also attended
cello masterclasses coached by Norbert Anger, Prof. Pablo Mahave-Veglia, René
Benedetti etc. As an ensemble player, Stephen has performed in the masterclasses held by
The Philharmonica, Daniel Dodds from the Lucerne Festival Strings, renowned
harpsichordist Christopher Rousset, iKultur Vienna, Roberto Diaz.
In addition, Stephen showed great enthusiasm in ensemble and chamber music, especially
Baroque music. He is the member of the Early Music Society of Hong Kong and Bass
Viol player in the group. Chan also received a regular chamber coaching from Prof.
Takako Nishizaki for half year and represented HKUST to perform at Shanghai after the

Plus, Stephen is keen on playing different genres of music, including Jazz, Tango & Pop.
He has collaborated with Gigi Leung, Tsang-Hei Chiu, Yiu-Fai Chow, James Wong. And
he also recorded the opening music for the JSG Awards 2016.

Lorin Maazel,小提琴家黃蒙拉,五嶋龍,Simone Lamsma,古鍵琴家Bart
Van Oort,鋼琴家Valentina Lisitsa,琵琶演奏家章紅艷等。
作為獨奏者,Stephen曾於多個大師班演奏,例如有大提琴手Pablo Mahave-
Veglia教授和René Benedetti,以及德累斯頓國家管弦樂團首席大提琴手
Norbert Anger。而作為樂團首席,參與大師班包括:琉森節日樂團團長Daniel
Dodds,維也納愛樂樂團The Philharmonica,著名古鍵琴手Christopher
Rousset,室內樂組合iKultur Vienna及美國寇蒂斯音樂學院校長Roberto